Fumigation Service

Fumigation Service

Build Experiences

Build Experiences

Create Safety

Create Safety

Superintendency and Fumigation Services

Since 2012, we provide Superintendency and Fumigation Services in Indonesia. We are legally certified with the government of Indonesia and we have  highly experienced Staff to conduct the fumigation services.  Your satisfaction is fully guaranteed.




Able to implement and apply fumigation professionally who follow and maintain according to Barantan standard.



Always use time without work delays as efficiently as possible, referring to Barantan standards.



Intelligent in solving problems by always updating the rules that apply in the regulation of fumigation.



A reliable pest exterminator and priorities the success of fumigation as a target.

Get The Best Service From Us

Every Detail Carefully Crafted

Contact Us Now and get the best service from us.

Head Office

Ruko Graha Anggrek Mas Regency Block C32 - C34
Sidoarjo - East Java
Indonesia, 61252

Phone: +62 31 8075455
Fax: +62 31 8075456

Branch Office

Wangurer Utara Lingkungan 02
Bitung - North Celebes - Indonesia

Phone: +62 438 2236069


Capt. Earle Colbert Reuben


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